PPS UltiMak Boomershoot 2004 Entry

All shooters will be able to quote from memory the following minimum safety rules before being entering the shooting area:

Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

Primary contact email address (required):  _______________
Primary contact phone number (required): _______________

Friday May 7, 2004

____________________  __________________  __________
Shooter (typed or printed)    Signed                        Date

Number of runs: ______ x $80/run = Total amount enclosed: ______

Make your check out to FlashTek and mail it to:

PPS Boomershoot 2004
P.O. Box 3745
Moscow, ID 83843-1916

How did you find out about us: __ Friend, __ Search Engine, __ Web directory, __ Shotgun News,
__ Shotgun News Website, __ NRA Website, __ American Rifleman, __ Web forum or email list,
__ Search Engine Ad, __ Other -- please specify ____________________________________

For more information see https://www.boomershoot.com

Last updated: April 07, 2004