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News Release -- March 7, 2012

It's Still Legal: Fiery Explosives + Big Guns in Idaho

WHAT: Boomershoot 2012 (Extreme sport of precision rifle shooting at exploding targets)

WHEN: Long range shooting & explosions: Sun., April 29, 9am-4pm
            Precision rifle clinic w/ Major Gene Econ: Fri. & Sat. April 27-28, 8:30am-5:30pm

WHERE: Cavendish, Idaho, Directions -- ../directions.htm

WHY: Recreational enjoyment of pyrotechnics & guns

CONTACT: Bernie de la Paz, Media Coordinator,


: ../photos.htm

The typically tranquil community of Teakean-Cavendish will be shaken up as an expected 300 people gather in North Central Idaho for a weekend of explosives and guns at the 14th annual Boomershoot, April 27-29, 2012. Available to media representatives are exclusive spectator/participator slots, including the opportunity to shoot rifles and view the mixing of explosives.

"Miles from the epicenter of the event, you can see, hear and feel Boomershoot explosions," says Joe Huffman, Event Director. "The extreme sport of Boomershooting is a thrilling shakeup for shooters and spectators."

At the April 29th shoot, over 1200 reactive targets containing over 1100 pounds of high explosives will be detonated -- enough to be heard over seven miles away, causing cars and houses to tremor within two miles from the range.

"Explosives, guns and fun are still legal here in Idaho," says Huffman.

Exploding fireball targets are created from a special recipe developed Huffman and Assistant Director Ry Jones. "Upon detonation, fireballs produce colossal blazing explosions. So fiery hot, you can feel it on your skin, 50 yards away," says Huffman. Photos: ../general/fireball.htm

Huffman, a software programmer, started Boomershoot in 1998 to give people a safe space in which to enjoy the recreational pleasure of guns and explosives. He is also a certified firearms instructor and has an ATF license to manufacture high explosives.

Boomershoot includes a precision rifle seminar that will be taught on April 27 & 28 by Major (Retired) Gene Econ, formerly an Officer in the US Army Special Forces. Econ is currently a marksmanship instructor for the 1st Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division (Stryker Brigade Combat Team) at Fort Lewis. Details: clinic.htm

Diverse shooters and spectators from throughout the world are expected to attend Boomershoot, including law enforcement officers, scientists, engineers, computer programmers, and members of the Boeing Pistol & Rifle Club.

Since the first event in 1998, Boomershoot has maintained an A+ safety record with participants adhering to strict standards of safe gun handling and operation. Spectators are welcome at this year's event; shooter positions are expected to sellout.

For more information, please contact Bernie de la Paz, Media Coordinator, Visit Boomershoot's website at ###

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